Some questions about BF1


I have browsed archives of for quite a while now and have learned most of what I need to know about BF1. But I still have some questions that (I hope) should be simple to answer:

  1. How do bipods affect recoil and spread for weapons that aren’t LMGs?
  2. Are SLRs still the only weapons with a ShootingRecoilDecreaseScale of 0.8, while everything else has a value of 0?
  3. Are the effects of the bayonet described in this thread still the case? The thread claims that bayonets decrease hip fire spread and increase recovery time from sprint by a factor of 2.5x (The thread is from 2016, and the game has undergone numerous patches since then, so I just want to make sure.)
  4. Evidently SMGs and SLRs have a sprint recovery time of 67 ms, while LMGs have a recovery time of 167 ms. What about shotguns and bolt actions? Or sidearms?
  5. How exactly does suppression affect spread?

I would appreciate any answers to my questions.

According to an archived thread from 2016, shooting a bullet within a 2.2 meter radius of the head induces suppression (shooting the head directly still counts). The amount of suppression added increases linearly with the bullet’s distance from the outer rim of the 2.2m circle.
I do not know the exact numbers used when it comes to suppression, but there is apparently some threshold that must be crossed before any effects come into play.
When fully suppressed, you receive “+100% SIPS, +100% SDEC, +25% FSM, +50% Vrec, and +100% Hrec.” Bolt actions also accrue 0.5 degrees of minspread. Notice that spread decrease is buffed for some reason.
When you’re not fully suppressed, you achieve some fraction of these multipliers. For now, I’m assuming that this fraction increases linearly from the suppression threshold to the maximum suppression value, but I can’t be sure.
If anyone could verify that this is still the case, and fill in some details, I’d appreciate it.

  1. The Ribeyrolles’s bipod will reduce horizontal recoil by 75% and vertical recoil by 80%. Spread increase per shot and spread decrease are reduced by 68.75% and 37.5% respectively. Minimum and maximum hipfire spread are both halved. Sniper Rifle bipod reduces recoil even more but it doesn’t matter for them anyways.
  2. Not exactly? Assault’s 1917 Trench Carbine also has a 0.8 ShootingRecoilDecreaseScale. Pistols and the M1903 Experimental have a ShootingRecoilDecreaseScale of 1.0.
  3. The bayonet never decreased hipfire spread. It only had the increased sprint recovery.
  4. Suppression depends on the weapon:
    • SMGs experience 2x SIPS, 2x SDEC, +50% vRec, +100% hRec, +25% FSRM
    • SLRs experience 3.5x SIPS, 2.23x SDEC, +50% vRec, + 150% hRec
    • LMGs experience 2x SIPS, 2x SDEC, +20%vRec, +20% vRec, +100% hRec, +25% FSRM
    • BAs experience +0.5 degrees minSpread, +50%vRec, +100% hRec

The amount of Suppression applied per bullet scales twice: once from the bullet’s distance to the target (similar to damage drop-off) and the second is proximity to the head. The first is set up so that weapons deal minimal Suppression in close range and deal more at long range. This works to prevent Suppression from kicking in during CQB firefights and helps keep it focused on mitigating damage from enemies outside your effective range. The second is how close the bullet passed by the center of that 2.2m radius sphere. Straight headshots deal the full value of the bullet at that distance. Grazing the sphere barely does anything. So if I fire the Lewist at an enemy 55m away, my bullet does 16 Suppression. At that distance I will deal 16 Suppression damage if I score a straight headshot, 8 Suppression if I miss by 1.1m, and 0 Suppression if I miss by more than 2.2m.

The effects of Suppression scale linearly between the minimum threshold and maximum amount. In BF1 this is 0.54 out of 1.0. So if you were at 0.77 Suppression, you would experience 50% of the penalties. In the above example the 16 Suppression “damage” is represented as 0.16 instead. Therefore, to even begin activating Suppression effects on an enemy with straight headshots, I would need to hit them 4 times. But at 55m, the Lewis deals 20 damage and with a 1.7x headshot multiplier, I kill them in 3 headshots. The enemy is dead before they even experience any Suppression at all.

The reason SDEC is increased is to encourage you to burst. Since SIPS has been doupled, doubling SDEC keeps recovery times for the burst about the same as under normal conditions. The doubling of SIPS reduces how big your bursts can be because you are increasing your spread faster than normal. Your faster than normal SDEC ensures that the interval between bursts does not increase drastically.

Reading the text doesn’t really tell you the practical effects on your weapon. I illustrate the effects of Suppression on various weapons in this thread. As mentioned in the thread there, BF3 is the only time Suppression has any appreciable effect. BF4 and BF1 Suppression have minimal effects on weapons.


Thanks a lot for the reply @NoctyrneSAGA . You gave me a lot to process about suppression so I won’t respond to that immediately.

How does the bipod affect the Mondragon Sniper or Howell Automatic?


It’s the same as the Ribeyrolles.


Sorry to dig up this old-ish thread but imho it would be great if you linked stuff like this and other in depth explanations to the “generals” tab or to a weapon mechanics tab for BF1.
I used your site since BF3 and really like it, but its a bit of a shame that explanations like this that include some examples wont by seen by many people because its somewhere in the forums.
Im sure you guys are working hard at improving the website and restore the “old glory” of the older games that are not being included yet but stuff like this helps a lot to understand the mechanics better for players that arent that deep into all that data.
most of BF1 weapon stats are rather easy to understand, at least if you compare it with BF5s “recoil patterns” or whatever they use.
I also really appreciate the FTK charts, they show the effectiveness of a gun without having to understand many of the stats.


Yeah, I agree that these things should be explained somewhere.