Mouse click rates for optimal RoF (BF4)


Original title: “ Mouse click rates for optimal RoF”, 26.2.2014
Author: 3VerstsNorth

Mouse click rates for optimal RoF

Here’s one little analysis more that I have to release before the brute-force revision (cause needed there).

We all know that spread increases with each shot and starts decreasing only when one ceases to fire and the cycle of the last bullet has elapsed. Hence to fire another shot or burst with min spread again, one must wait for the accumulated spread to decrease to the min spread level.

Let’s use my MG4 as an example gun. Your MG4 will work pretty much in the same way. Here is a plot of the total spread accumulated during 1-, 2-, , and 6-shot bursts (excluding min spread ofc).

The four lines correspond to potato/stubby grip §, no attachments (n), compensator or muzzle brake with potato grip (c/m + p), and compensator or muzzle brake alone (c/m).

Assuming that spread decreases linearly and that the Spread Decrease values give this rate in deg/s, we can easily see how long it will take for the accumulated spread to decrease to zero:

and these numbers with the gun’s RoF directly give the optimal frequency at which one should click the mouse to fire bursts as fast as possible while still recovering to min spread in between the bursts:


Cool, numbers. Obviously, 1-shot bursting will be challenging to everyone else than to He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named, but 2+ shot bursts are all viable.

Interestingly, the effective RoF (i.e. RoF considering the small breaks between bursts) is not dependent on burst size providing that max spread has not been reached:

Original title: “ Mouse click rates for optimal RoF”, 26.2.2014
Author: 3VerstsNorth

but the attachments that decrease (potato grip) or increase (compensator/muzzle brake) the Spread Increase value have a clear effect on the RoF.

I pooled the effective RoFs for some guns into the table below. The values next to effective RoFs are the optimal mouse click rates (in Hz) for 2- and 3-shot bursts. Here you go:

For one-shotting DMRs and semi-auto sidearms, a similar analysis can be done, see the table below:

Here the single mouse click rate value obviously is for 1-shot bursts and not 2-/3-shot bursts as above. I also included the tap rate for ‘full auto with full spread accumulation’ to the ‘original RoF’ column.
