Styling the forum


I have created a new theme to go with the original Symthic forums style. You can select this in your settings -> Interface -> Theme to “Symthic”.

Comments are welcome. Currently the contrast between neon-green and black background seems bit too stark to my taste.


Personally I love it. Still think it needs some of the ol’ Symthic orange too :grinning:


I´d prefer some grey over the black.

I can provide you with the background picture from the old main page if you want to use that.
Fun fact: The background was mostly black originally. Sym however prefered a more grey´ish version which ended up on the main page.


Green links was a nice touch.

Though very sleek, site feels a bit “default” still. I agree with the above posts, and getting the/a logo back would be nice too.


Tried some stuff, not a look i’d want to adopt as is, but:


  • Muting the color of the box around categories a bit looks better to me.
  • Hearts should be lime green! Similar to the old rep button, and it looks good.
  • green Sym > gray Sym

Minor, but the arrows clickable to reveal a spoiler kinda look like bullet points, if they can be given an orange color or something that’d be a bit more clear, and look nice.


Couldn’t agree more. It’s legacy must live on :grin:

This is also true.


I adjusted things a little:

  • Title area now has green color as well
  • Hearts in green
  • Categories colored with “Symthic’s” orange
  • “Spoiler” tags now have a border. Could also color it a bit, but that is bit trickier:
Hello there!


You mean gray for the background? Could try some simple gradients too, but I have very poor artistic eye for things ^^’


Actually S0urce used the more common variant of grey with the ‘E’, gray with an ‘A’ is only really used in the US. In other words; don’t you, Miffyli, mean ‘grey’ for the background? :smile:

Love the orange. New old Symthic is back guys!!! Yaaaaaay :grin:


I am talking about a somewhat brighter grey (or gray) instead of the current almost black one. Makes the contrast between the bright green and the surrounding area easier on the eye. Same goes for a slight gradient ‘spotlight’ which the old forums used.
The background I was talking about is the ‘battleground’ one used on the old main site ( Similarly it is a brighter grey than originaly intented for the reason above.


I adjusted the background color a little: Indeed it does not hurt the eyes too much anymore, although looks like posts (and especially the text in posts) could use a slightly darker background, but that could be just my eyes ^^